Microbiology Concept Inventory

Please note, you must be an educator in higher ed or maybe high school to qualify to recieve the MCI

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16-2 Credit

( 24051 Reads)

None Max


I would like to thank the Tuesday/Thursday afternoon Bacteriology 102 class of Spring 2006. They were enthusiastic, friendly, patient with the annoying instructor who was always stealing their plates for photos, technically adept, and more than willing to help John, Loretta and myself create the hundreds of photos and movies that make up this book. As a final act of gratitude, I list all their names.

Casey Rae Anderson
Jennifer Lynn Behnke
Rachel Anderson Bell
Nicole Marie Bruzek
Emily Louise Canney
Yvonne Lopez Clark
Carleen Jo Danz
Sean Philip DeKok
Alicia Jilaine DuPont
Kelly Marie Durst
Joel Franco
Andrew R Grover
Kari Anne Harmon
Sarah Ruth Herman
Kirsten Elise Knopff
Michelle Lee Kozeniecki
Amber Beth Lee
Maureen Teresa Luetje
Amanda Rae Marsh
Emily Marie Mentzer
Sarah Ann Murphy
Bradley Michael Nigbur
Laura May Nourse
Rebecca Marie Panzer
Tess Erin Peterson
Karlie Grace Schmidt
Anna Maria Skrzypek
Megan Leigh Smith
Robbin Lee Smith
Kelli Jane Truszynski
Casie Erin Walsh
Jordan Michael Williams

Thanks and good luck with the rest of your college studies.
